Diabetic Foot clinic referrals CUH

Criteria for foot clinic referrals

  1. Patients with diabetes who have active foot ulcers, whether new or recurrent
  2. Patients with longstanding foot ulceration that have either never or have not recently attended the foot clinic
  3. Patients with diabetes who have foot infection that does not respond to treatment within 2/3 days, or are deteriorating
  4. Sudden / Recent onset of red, hot and swollen or deformed foot/ toe
  5. Patients with peripheral arterial disease and either rest pain or gangrene or tissue loss

Criteria 3 and 4 must be referred as a matter of urgency i.e. within 24 hours.

Referral pathway for patients already under the care of CUH Endocrinology.

  • Phone call to be made to diabetic foot clinic: 021 4922658
  • Fax/post internal referral form* to Diabetic Foot Clinic: 021 4920327
  • *Available on Staff Directory (CUH Forms/Referral Forms)

Patients already under the care of SIVUH Endocrinology.

  • Phone call to be made to Diabetic Foot Clinic, SIVUH: 021 4926340
  • Fax referral form marked Urgent FAO Podiatrist : Fax: 021 4926454

Patients not currently under the care of an Endocrinologist.

The Diabetic Foot Clinic in CUH accepts acute referrals from GPs, public health nurses and community podiatrists. For reasons of clinical governance, there is a prerequisite for patients to be registered with the endocrinology department at CUH in order to access treatment at the Diabetic Foot Clinic (Dr A. Tuthill /Prof. D. O’Halloran). Please contact CUH Consultant Endocrinologist or Endocrinology Reg. on call.

Patients under the care of another hospital without a podiatry service

(e.g. Mallow, MUH, Mater Private Cork, Bon Secours Cork)

  • Temporary transfer of care to be agreed with main diabetes care provider
  • Main diabetes care provider to contact CUH Consultant Endocrinologist or Endocrine Reg. on call. Phone call to be made to Diabetic Foot Clinic and copy of referral form faxed to clinic as above.

Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan, Ms Paula Gardiner [Senior Podiatrist in Diabetes, CUH] 12/09/2018. Last review Dr ÍOS 15/04/24.