Cork Emergency, Physiotherapy and Orthopaedic Departments
You will be in back-slab or cast for 4 - 6 weeks.
To maximise your recovery and help prevent complications, please note the following advice..........

Keep moving
Raise your hand above your head, make a full fist and straighten fingers as shown in photos:
- Make a circular motion with your thumb
- Try and touch your thumb to all your fingers
- Remember at rest (e.g. watching TV) try and keep your hand above heart level as much as possible

Keep Using
- When dressing put your injured arm into sleeve first
- when undressing take injured arm out last
- Try not to ignore your injured hand; using the hand will prevent muscle weakness
Stop smoking
- Smoking delays bone healing and can increse the risk of infection.
Control your pain
- It is important to manage your pain to allow you to exercise and sleep.
- You can get advice on pain control from your doctor or pharmacist.

Maintain a healthy diet
- Increase your intake of Vitamin C in your diet e.g. eat 5 pieces of fruit or veg a day
- Recommended dose—500mg daily
If the following occurs...

- Pain increases
- Fingers swell-up
- You can’t do your exercises
- The cast feels too tight
- Persistent pins & needles
- You can’t use your hand in light activities
Please contact the hospital where your cast was applied.
Print Version
If you are concerned, please contact the Emergency Department you first attended: | MUH (021) 4271971 | M-UCC at SMHC (St. Mary’s Health Campus) (021) 4926900 | CUH (021) 4922000 | LIU Mallow General Hospital (022) 58506 | Bantry General Hospital (027) 52900 |