Peyronie's Disease
- 40-70 yo, penis is deviated during an erection
- The deviation is caused by a plaque (scar tissue) in the shaft of the penis
- There may be a history of trauma but most often there is no obvious cause
- The penis appears normal when it is flaccid but a plaque can usually be felt on the shaft of the penis during physical exam
- "Acute" inflammatory phase (18 months) = tender penile nodule ± curvature
- Most progress to the "chronic" phase with angulation / scarring ±calcification, ± impotence
- All patients need a referral to a urologist
- Many patients are placed on medication during a period of observation
- Vitamin E, Ca++ channel blockers and Potaba
- Surgery is indicated only if the disease is interfering with sexual function
- Surgery is simple and can be done as an outpatient
Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan. Last review Dr IOS 7/02/23.