Urinary Symptoms

Failure to empty


Obstructive voiding symptoms:

  • Hesitancy
  • Straining
  • Weak, slow and/or intermittent stream
  • Post-void dribbling
  • Urinary retention

Failure to store


Irritative voiding symptoms:

  • Frequency
  • Urgency
  • Dysuria
  • Nocturia
  • Some will also be incontinent of urine

Haematuria - must be carefully investigated.

Failure to empty

BPH, Prostate cancer, urethral strictures, hypotonic bladder, detrusor incoordination


  • Non-malignant growth of the prostate with age
  • It is not a precursor of prostate cancer
  • Cause of the enlargement is unknown (hormonal changes that occur with aging are thought to be involved)

First symptoms usually appear in 50's or 60's and are often progressive in nature.

  • Decreased force and calibre of their urinary stream
  • Difficulty starting their stream and may have to strain in order to empty their bladders
  • Flow may stop and start and they may dribble after they have finished voiding
  • Urge to void only minutes after they leave the washroom
  • If complete obstruction they present to the ED with severe supra pubic pain
  • Often also complain of irritative voiding symptoms in addition to the obstructive ones

Rectal exam usually reveals a symmetrically enlarged smooth prostate.

  • If the prostate is hard and asymmetrical or if nodules are felt then malignancy must be considered
  • Check for a palpable / percussable bladder
  • Post void residual (ultrasound or catheter) is helpful. Any volume greater than 100 cc is significant
  • Alpha blockers such as Terazosin have been shown to be effective in some
  • A 5-aplha reductase inhibitor (blocking the production of DHT) can shrink the prostate and relieve symptoms
  • Surgery (TURP) is the standard treatment

Prostate Cancer

  • Adenocarcinoma of the prostate has become the most common cancer in men
  • Uncommon in men younger than 50 years of age
  • The cause is unknown
  • Most men with prostate cancer are asymptomatic but they can present with local or metastatic signs and symptoms
  • Local symptoms include obstructive voiding, haematuria and perineal pain
  • Metastatic symptoms include bone pain, fatigue, weight loss and malaise
  • On physical exam one typically feels a hard discrete nodule on the prostate
  • PSA is a serum marker for prostate cancer however its specificity is poor (also ↑ in BPH and prostatitis )
    • A value under 4.0 makes prostate cancer unlikely while a value over 10.0 makes one suspicious
  • A transrectal ultrasound of the prostate - a TRUSP - can be booked through a urologist
  • Once Dx is confirmed pathologically, the extent of the disease must be ascertained
    • CXR & bone scan will detect distant metastases
  • If tumour confined to the prostate then the patient is offered watchful waiting, radical prostatectomy, radical radiotherapy or brachytherapy (based on cancer and patient characteristics)
  • If extended outside the prostate removing the prostate will be of no benefit, radiotherapy is an option
  • If distant spread - hormone therapy i(elimination of androgens)s needed

Urethral Strictures

  • Are fibrotic narrowing (scar tissue) within the urethra
  • M >> F
  • Most are due to trauma or infection
  • Most are strictures or iatrogenic
  • Patients usually have a Hx of urethral instrumentation or STD's
  • Symptoms of progressively weakening stream with hesitancy, straining at urination, and post void dribbling It is not uncommon for them to develop a prostatitis
  • If the stricture is not too severe it can be manually dilated with male sounds (tapered metal rods)
  • Restenosis is common

Hypotonic Bladder

  • Detrusor muscle is too weak to empty
  • Often secondary to chronic obstruction
  • A hypotonic bladder may be able to hold a few litres of urine without causing much discomfort
  • Often older men with a long-standing history of untreated BPH
  • If obstructions are treated, detrusor muscles may regain some contractility
  • Unfortunately, many of these patients require clean intermittent catheterisation - CIC - in order to empty their bladders

Detrusor Sphincter In-coordination

Normally, the urethral sphincter must relax just as the detrusor muscle of the bladder contracts. In-coordination occurs in patients who for one reason or another are not able to relax their sphincter at the appropriate time.

  • These patients complain of painful voiding with stop and go stream
  • Subjective feeling of being unable to completely empty their bladders
  • Dx made with urodynamics

Failure to store

Cystitis, Interstitial cystitis, prostatitis, bladder cancer, stress urinary incontinency


  • Acute cystitis is an infection of the bladder
  • Coliform bacteria including E. coli are the commonest cause (S. saprophyticus and enterocci less common)
  • Patients typically present with irritative voiding symptoms
    • Frequency, dysuria, urgency, nocturia
  • Fever is rare
  • Microscopy = pyuria & bacteruria (occasional haematuria)
  • WBC is usually normal
  • Urine should be sent for C&S
  • Patients with a typical Hx should be started on antibiotics:
    • Nitrofuratoin or fluoroquinolones (Cipro) for ≥ 3/7
  • Follow up cultures are not necessary unless symptoms persist or recur or the patient is pregnant

Interstitial Cystitis

  • Interstitial cystitis - I.C. - is a term used to describe a chronically painful and irritated bladder
  • Almost exclusive women (average age of 43 years)
  • Classic irritative voiding symptoms associated with cystitis
    • Also suprapubic pain or pressure that gets worse as the bladder fills and is relieved when the bladder is emptied
    • Dyspareunia is common
    • They usually have been treated with several courses of antibiotics with no significant improvement in their symptoms
  • The only physical finding may be some suprapubic tenderness
  • Urinalysis = haematuria in 20 - 30% (but C&S negative)
  • A trial of antibiotics is worthwhile. If the patient does not respond then a referral to a urologist is appropriate
  • The diagnosis is based on the exclusion of other irritative bladder diseases, including carcinoma in situ
  • On cystoscopy the bladder is usually of low capacity (350 cc or less) with significant pain on filling
  • There is no standard therapy but a popular regimen involves intravesical instillation of DMSO and heparin on a weekly basis. DMSO acts as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant. Heparin is believed to act as an exogenous glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer to help protect the bladder mucosa
  • Other oral treatment options include Elmiron, and anti-histamines


  • Acute bacterial prostatitis is an infection of the prostate (usually urinary pathogens, most commonly E. coli)
  • Typically - febrile illness with low back & perineal pain
  • 2nd cystitis ± bladder ± urinary retention
  • PR - prostate is warm, swollen, boggy & tender
  • FBC shows ↑WCC
  • Urine micro = WBC++ & bacteria
  • Treat ABCs - particularly if patient toxic ± IV antibiotics
  • Urine for C&S and start empirical antibiotics
  • A six week course of a fluoroquinolone (Ofloxacin 400 mg po bid or Ciprofloxacin 500 mg po bid) is recommended

Bladder Cancer

  • Most commonly, transitional cell carcinoma - TCC
  • Second most common genitourinary malignancy
  • Smoking responsible 50% of cases, exposure to industrial chemicals account for another 25%
  • Almost all patients are over the age of 40 with the average age being 65
  • M:F = 2:1
  • Most have irritative voiding symptoms ± haematuria
  • Usually nothing specific to find on exam
  • Urinalysis with C&S to rule out infection
  • Malignant cells can be picked up with urine cytology
  • Upper tract imaging (ultrasound or IVP) is also helpful as it will rule out the kidneys and ureters as a source of bleeding and disease
  • Further work up (e.g. cystoscopy) by urologist
  • 85% of bladder tumours are superficial and can be completely resected transurethrally
  • 80% recurrence rate with a 30% rate of increased invasiveness with recurrences
  • If multiple recurrences or carcinoma in situ reported intravesical BCG is recommended
  • For more invasive cases - radical cystectomy
  • Metastatic work-up includes CXR, bone scan, CT abdo/pelvis, LFTs
  • Once the tumour is outside the bladder, chemotherapy is the only option
  • Radiotherapy can be given but this is usually only for relief of bladder symptoms in palliative patients

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

  • Occurs with ↑ intra-abdo. pressure
  • Because of pelvic floor weakness the position of the bladder neck and proximal urethra in SUI patients is poorly supported
  • Exam should include a pelvic
  • The position & hypermobility of bladder neck verified
  • Dx usually made from the Hx and exam but urinalysis and urine C&S needed to rule out other causes
  • Urodynamics may be helpful
  • Treatment may be difficult:
    • Some have found pelvic floor - Kegel's - exercises useful
    • Bladder drill - can also help
    • Weight loss can be a significant factor in treatment
    • Success rates for suspension surgery vary with the surgeon's experience with the procedure

Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan. Last review Dr IOS 20/08/23.