Pre-Hospital Blood Transfusion


Prehospital medicine (roadside medicine) is a rapidly evolving specialty with the aim of providing critical care level medicine prior to the hospital arrival of the patient. Prehospital services around the world are increasingly attempting to initiate transfusion of blood products to patients as there is a growing body of evidence to support this.

Emergency Medicine doctors in Cork University Hospital have the capability of responding to critically unwell patients with 3 units of O-negative red blood cells. These doctors travel in rapid response cars and carry appropriate documentation to ensure full traceability of each unit and the blood is given by a prewarmer unit (Qinflow Warrior).

In order to be compliant with local regulatory requirements an identification is created for each patient based on letters of the alphabet and non sequential MRN's.

An audit process is maintained and cases are discussed at the monthly ED clinical risk meeting.


Content by Dr Eoin Fogarty, Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan 01/05/2020. Last review Dr ÍOS 1/06/21.