Calling for Emergency Physio. CUH 16:30-08:30

  • Contactable through iCM/Switch
  • If BIPAP required, contact EM registrar (for wards contact MROC and/or Anaesthetics)
  • If CPAP/HIFLOW required, contact EM registrar (anaesthetics if on wards)

The doctor must:

  1. Assess the patient at the time of the call
  2. Be available to speak to the Physiotherapist

Criteria for emergency call – 2 of the following criteria:

  1. Pyrexia
  2. Changes on CXR
  3. ↓ level of consciousness
  4. † oxygen saturation
  5. Production of sputum

Conditions not appropriate for emergency treatment:

Emergency physiotherapy is not an extension of normal duties and should only be given in the event of the patient’s deteriorating condition.

Physiotherapists are not called in to set up CPAP or High-flow or BiPAP or for transfers of patients to the wards.

It is essential that the diagnosis plus other relevant information concerning the patient’s condition is entered on the emergency request form.

Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan (internal email 15/06/2010). Last review Dr ÍOS 10/06/24.