CUH EM to AMAU Redirection policy

CUH EM SHO/Registrar to MAU


  • Based on EM 'best working diagnosis'
  • Do not require diagnostic results nor specialty consults as a condition of acceptance
  • Refusal of suitable redirect requests should result in immediate escalation to both EM & AMAU Consultant
  • Where AMAU capacity exists, suitable EM Redirect patients should not be kept in ED (particularly during hours of AMAU operation, 0800 1700)
  • Redirection can only happen once patients are seen by EM Clinicians - this can be any point from triage


  • CVS $$: Undifferentiated Chest Pain (troponin -ve ), CCF*, AF* [See below re Patients with ICD /Pacemaker in-situ]
  • Resp: Premorbid conditions requiring medical optimisation*** (Asthma, COPD, Fibrosis, PHTN) [+ PE (Where no CDU capacity available
  • GIT: PUD, stable UGIB , stable lower GIB , IBD, Non specific D& Refractory Nausea & Vomiting
  • Neuro^: Perceived deterioration in (or complications with) pre existing neurological conditions (not requiring resuscitation); e.g. . UTI in MS, Stoma complications]; Note: Moderate/High Risk TIA go directly to Stroke Team
  • ID****: Limb / Facial Cellulitis [where CDU bed not available]. [Exclusion: Breast Cellulitis (Breast Team )/ Abdominal Wall cellulitis (Gen Surg ) + Nec Fasc (Plastics)]
  • Endocrine^: Diabetics requiring medical optimisation (therapeutics, diagnostics or access to CNS)
  • Syncope: All cases of Non Vasovagal Syncope to be accepted by MAU Team, if requested by EM Team
  • Social: Unsafe discharges ( e.g. Social vulnerability / failed FITT or OT/PT assessment) [where CDU / GEMS bed is not available]
  • Other: Non emergent cases (such as Unintentional Weight Loss , Altered LFTs, refractory emesis etc ) i.e. . unlikely to require admission) but requiring optimisation of therapeutics / requiring additional diagnostics [where CDU bed is not available]


  • $ non comprehensive list
  • $$ Cardiology : Cardiology Direct Referrals: (a) Primary AF (b) Primary CCF (c) Likely Cardiogenic Syncope (d) Presentations likely related to ICD / Pacemaker dysfunction (e) NSTEMI
  • * MAU referral appropriate if requirement is medical / pharmaceutical optimisation (and presentation not in clinical context of in-situ ICD / Pacemaker)
  • ** Patients presenting with ICD in-situ may be referred to MAU if ICD is not the primary reason for patient attendance
  • *** Medical optimisation: non emergent management of polypharmacy or downstream diagnostics
  • ^ every effort will be made to contact CNS where available
  • **** ID Consults are not a mandatory condition of referral

Content by Dr Jonathan Costello. Last review Dr ÍOS 29/05/24.