Hand, Foot and Mouth disease
- Coxsackie virus (more serious Enteroviuus clusters in Asia)
- Person to person spread
- Max children 1 - 4 years (common up to 10 years)
- Sores in mouth, rashes on hands & feet and buttocks.
- "Textbook" vesicles occur at junction of hard and soft skin (palm, sole/ankle area)
- Commonest cause mouth sores (painful, small yellow sores, red halo) children
- Painful eating then hand rash
- May have low fever, anorexia, sore throat, abdo. pain for 7 days
- Usually mild but beware dehydration and occasional arthropathy
- Clinical diagnosis
- Rarely progress to encephalitis / transverse myelitis (flaccid - so do neuro exam)
- Hydration, analgesia (mouth ulcers), control pyrexia
- Keep from school only if ill (may attend school if rash alone)
Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan. Last review Dr ÍOS 12/04/23.