End of life - CUH resources

End of Life, CUH Resources





Family Handover bags

To be used to return clothing to family on death of a patient.
Fold clothes with respect.
Do not put any food or perishable products or soiled linen in the bag
Handover Bag Order from stores via Point of Use Team:
Product Code no: 02CM1255

Keepsake pouch

For the return of small personal items like jewellery, watch or religious artefacts keepsake pouch Order through End-of-Life Care Co-ordinator Mairead.Lyons5@hse.ie or 087/6369210

End-of-Life desktop symbols

Place on nurses station to alert people that a significant event is happening on the ward- a patient is dying or has died Desktop symbol Order through End-of-Life Care Co-ordinator Mairead.Lyons5@hse.ie or 087/6369210

End-of-Life door symbols

Place on the door or bed space (with permission from family) when patient is recognised as dying or has died. To bring dignity to the surrounding area Door symbols Order from CUHStationery.Orders@hse.ie Also available from Mairead.Lyons5@hse.ie

Care of the Dying Patient Guidance Pro-forma

Initiate this form for all patients when they are recognized as dying to ensure consistent high quality and holistic care for all EOL Proforma Form number: 0766. Order from CUHStationery.Orders@hse.ie

Comfort/ Memory Blankets

Offer to all patients when recognized as dying to surround them with warmth, comfort and love. Families can bring this blanket home with them as a memory of their loved one. EOL Memory Blanket Order through End-of-Life Care Co-ordinator Mairead.Lyons5@hse.ie or 087/6369210

Flicker candle

Offer option to all families. Place on Locker on death. Add other items (religious /personal to this space as per patients previously known/families guidance) EOL Flicker candle Order through End-of-Life Care Co-ordinator Mairead.Lyons5@hse.ie or 087/6369210
Also liaise with Pastoral Care Team for support

End of Life Care Drape

To be used on the bed of patient when they die. Crest to chest. Promotes dignity, respect and sense of ceremony on death EOL Drape One per ward. Each drape will have the name of the ward on it. To be laundered after each patient. Place used drape in a clear bag and bring directly to laundry. A replacement drape for your ward will be given to you.

Content by Mairead.Lyons5@hse.ie, Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan. Last review Dr ÍOS 7/05/24.