Solvent Detergent Plasma


The information on this page was selected from an Information Leaflet produced by the National Haemovigilance Office, issued in January 2003.

  • Anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reactions due to hypersensitivity to infused plasma proteins or anti-IgA following the transfusion of Solvent Detergent Plasma (SDP) are rare (<1: 1000) and are likely to be of the same order as for FFP.

The usual starting dose of SDP is 12-15 mls/Kg.

  • Monitor the response both clinically and with measurement of prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
  • The infusion of SDP should begin as soon as clinical circumstances permit after thawing.
  • Beware volume overload if rapid infusion is used in patients with limited cardiac reserve. (max rate 2-4mls/kg per hour in such patients)
  • Each unit of SDP contains a standard volume of 200mls, in contrast to a unit of FFP, which contains 220-300mls.
  • Plasma therapy should only be given where there is a clear clinical indication and where the expected benefit outweighs the inherent risks.

Firm indications for giving plasma include:

  • The correction of haemostatic disorders where no other more suitable therapy exists or is available
  • Emergency warfarin reversal where prothrombin complex concentrates are unavailable (see Mx over-anticoagulation )

SDP is only required for the reversal of over anticoagulation in the presence of major bleeding.

A reversal agent is available in CUH for Dabigatran - contact haematology SpR.

  • Haemostatic failure associated with major blood loss
  • Liver disease, either in the presence of haemorrhage, or prior to an elective procedure
  • Acute Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
  • Factor V deficiency and acetyl cholinesterase deficiency
  • The treatment of choice in thrombotic thrombocytopaenia purpura (TTP) in conjunction with plasma exchange

Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan 02/12/2004. Reviewed 05/03/2007. Last review Dr Susan O’Shea, Dr ÍOS June 25, 2019.