PPE for 'Flu

PPE adapted for Influenza

Putting on PPE

  1. Decontaminate hands
  2. Put on disposable apron/gown
  3. Put on mask (surgical or FFP2 or FFP3)
  4. Fit check mask:
    1. Place mask over nose, mouth and chin
    2. Fit flexible nose piece over nose bridge
    3. Secure to head with elastic
    4. Adjust to fit
    5. Inhale - the mask should collapse
    6. Exhale - check for leakage around face
  5. Put goggles on if required
  6. Put on gloves

Removing PPE

In patients room

  1. Remove gloves (avoid touching outside of gloves)
  2. Decontaminate hands
  3. Remove goggles
  4. Remove gown or apron

In ante room / outside patients room

  1. Remove mask by breaking the ties. If ties are elastic grasp and lift ties from behind your head and pull off mask away from your face . Avoid touching the front of the mask & use ties to discard
  2. Discard all masks (& gloves/aprons/gowns/goggles contaminated with blood or body fluids) as healthcare risk waste
  3. Decontaminate your hands

Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan January 2019. Last update Dr IOS 10/06/21.