Lactic acidosis (acquired)
Acquired causes of lactic acidosis
Type A: Due to tissue hypoxia
- Tissue hypoperfusion
- Abnormal vascular tone or permeability
- ↓ cardiac output
- ↓ arterial oxygen content
- Asphyxia
- Hypoxaemia (PaO2 <35 mmHg)
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Life-threatening anaemia
Type B: Not due to tissue hypoxia
- Common disorders:
- Sepsis
- Hepatic failure
- Renal failure
- Diabetes mellitus
- Cancer, Malaria, Cholera
- Drugs or toxins:
- Biguanides, Nalidixic acid, Isoniazid
- Ethanol, Methanol, Ethylene glycol
- Salicylates, Cyanide, Nitroprusside
- Catecholamines, Theophylline, Sorbitol
- Lactulose, Parenteral nutrition, Paraldehyde
- Cocaine, Paracetamol, Vitamin deficiency
- Streptozotocin, Niacin, Diethyl ether
- Papaverine
- Other conditions:
- Strenuous muscular exercise
- Grand mal seizures
- D-lactic acidosis
Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan. Published 07/10/2002. Reviewed by Dr ÍOS 03/05/04, 13/05/2007. Next review 13/05/2008