- ↑CSF with gait, urinary and mentation symptoms
- Periventricular CSF (not global) so sacral (bladder and leg) motor fibres affected

with normal SAH volume [normal(ish) sulci]
- Abnormal gait
- Urinary incontinence
- Dementia (reversible!)
- Predominantly (not exclusively) elderly
- Altered gait is often the first symptom.
- Classically "magnetic" gait (feet stuck to the floor)
- ±pyramidal tract signs (e.g. ↑tone/spasticity), particularly of legs
- Urinary symptoms = detrusor over-activity (periventricular pathology)
- Dementia - characteristic loss short term recall
- Altered cognition
- Pyramidal - Gait, hypertonia (legs) ±↑plantars
- leading to festinant gait of Parkinson's
- Normal ICP (but ↑vol) = No papilloedema & normal opening pressure (LP)
- No sensory signs
Differential Dx
- Parkinson’s (rest tremor is unusual in NPH)
- Alzheimers and other dementias
- CT brain (very sensitive so a normal CT rules NPH out)
- MRI is more specific (positive rules NPH in)
- Diagnostic LP with CSF volume (>50ml) drainage (NPH will respond)
- Vascular/inflam. dementia work-up (in-patient teams)
- Levodopa trial if ?Parkinson’s (NPH will not respond)
- Admit Care of the Elderly for dementia / CSF shunt work-up