Use during pregnancy:
The following episodes may be associated with significant foeto-maternal haemorrhage during pregnancy
- Abdominal trauma(Rh negative women only)
- chorionic villus sampling
- amniocentesis
- external cephalic version
- antepartum haemorrhage
- ectopic pregnancy
- abortion
- caesarian section
- In CUH, we stock 1500 IU doses (Rhophylac®) and we issue at least 1 x 1500 IU dose of anti-D for all potentially sensitising events (PSE) regardless of gestation, which must be administered within 72 hours of the PSE
- More than one dose may be given for a PSE after 20 weeks, if indicated by the Kleihauer results and we administer 1 x 1500 IU dose for every 12 ml of fetal cells detected
- 2012 (latest available on-line as of 2021) HSE National Anti-D guideline