Primary PPH
>500 ml, first 24h from delivery.
- Retained Placenta/Products
- Atony
- Ruptured uterus
- Trauma
Prophylaxis: Syntometrine (500 mcg ergometrine, 5 units syntocinon)
Risk factors
- over-distension of uterus
- twins
- polyhydramnios
- multiparity
- antepartum haemorrhage
- fibroids
- bleeding tendency
- pre-eclampsia
- past history of post-partum haemorrhage
Initial Management
- O2
- Call for help
- Two 16G cannulae
- X-match 4 units, ± platelets, Hb, clotting
- IV Hartmanns, Blood replacement
- Check Hx of of incomplete placenta/membranes
- Examine uterus to ensure contracted
- Examine cervix/vagina to exclude tears
- Examine cervix to exclude retained placenta in cervical canal - shock
- Catheterise, hourly urine output
- Inform Obstetric Registrar
Mx major haemorrhage due to atony:
- Rub up a contraction/bimanual compression
- Syntocinon 10 i.u. iv. repeated (V/D)
- Syntocinon 40 i.u./500 ml saline over 4 hours
- Ergometrine 0.5 - 1.0 mg (Avoid in hypertension = V/C), causes nausea, vomiting, headache
- If continuing (>1500 ml):
- Prostaglandin E2 5 mg in 500 ml saline - 10 mcg/minute for 2 minutes then 20 mcg/min
- Carboprost (Hemabate) 250 mg in 1 ml, deep IM or into myometrium. Repeat every 90 mins (max 12 g = 48 doses). Avoid prostaglandins in asthmatics and cardiac disease
- Surgery - EUA, repair rupture, internal iliac A ligation, hysterectomy
Secondary PPH
>500ml after 24 h from delivery
Usually minor compared to primary. For review by Obs registrar
- Antibiotics (ceph/met)
- Retained products
- Trauma
- Infection