Septicaemia in Obstetrics
- After caesarean section, termination of pregnancy
- 6% of maternal mortality
- E. Coli, ß-haemolytic strep, bacteroides, clostridia
- Confused, restless, coma
- Warm sweaty extremities becoming cold
- Peripheral or central cyanosis
- Tachypnoea, tachycardia, hypotension
- Jaundice, DIC
- O2, intubation/ventilation
- CVP, Swan-fluid replacement, FFP
- Antibiotics - after cultures
- Augmentin, Metronidazole, Gentamicin
Toxic shock syndrome
- > 38.5°, initially mild erythema (especially palms), later multiorgan failure
- Staph toxin (TSST-1) ("TSS like syndrome" very similar but = group A strep)
- Postural hypotension
- Involve Microbiology and ITU early in all suspected cases
- Send cultures, U&E, LFT, Coag, CK
- Cultures may be negative - perform gram stain
- Beware early signs organ dysfunction ± ARDS
- May need massive fluid resuscitation ± ITU
- Remove appropriate material
- Flucloxacillin
Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan 29/12/2002. Reviewed by Dr ÍOS 01/05/2005, 19/01/2007, 15/06/21.