Basic Life Support - Paediatric

Infant ( < 1 yr ) Small child ( 1-8 yrs ) Larger child
Airway opening position Neutral or slight head tilt Head tilt / chin lift Head tilt / chin lift
Breathing Mouth to mouth and nose Mouth to mouth Mouth to mouth
Circulation: pulse check Brachial or femoral Brachial or carotid Carotid
Chest compression: Landmark 1 finger breadth below nipple line 1 finger breadth above xiphisternum 2 finger breadths above xiphisternum
Technique Encircling or two fingers One hand Two hands
Depth ⅓ depth child's chest ⅓ depth child's chest ⅓ depth child's chest
Ratio compressions to vent 5:1 (even with one rescuer ) 5:1 (even with one rescuer) 5:1 (two rescuers), 15:2 (one rescuer )
Compression rate per min 100 100 100

Chin lift infant

Chin lift Infant

Chin Lift Child

Chin lift child

Jaw Thrust

Jaw Thrust


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Compressions Infant

Chest compression two hand - infant

2 Finger compression child

Chest compression 2 fingers -child


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Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan 06/06/2005. Reviewed by Dr ÍOS 24/09/2005. Last review Dr ÍOS 31/08/22