Cork Emergency Departments
- Do lean your head forward
- Do squeeze the soft part of your nose (15 minutes), repeat if necessary
- Do put an ice pack on the bridge of your nose
- Do bite on a cork
- Do attend the emergency department if bleeding continues after ½ hour

- Do NOT
- Do not blow your nose
- Do not sniff, pick your nose
- Do not strain (lifting/toilet)
- Do not drink/eat anything hot
- Do not sneeze through your nose (open your mouth instead)
- Do not tip your head backwards
If you are concerned, please contact the Emergency Department you first attended:
MUH (021)4271971
Mercy Injury Unit, Gurranabraher (021)4926900
CUH (021)4920200
LIU Mallow(022)58506
LIU Bantry(027)52900