Falls Risk Home Checklist

Cork Emergency Departments

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Use this checklist to find and fix hazards in your home.

Stairs & steps (indoor and outdoors)

Are there papers, shoes, books, or other objects on the stairs?

Are some steps broken or uneven?

Is there a light and light switch at the top and bottom of the stairs?

Has a stairway light bulb burned out?

Is the carpet on the steps loose or torn?

Are the handrails loose or broken? is there a handrail on only one side of the stairs?

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When you walk through a room, do you have to walk around furniture?

Do you have throw rugs on the floor?

Are there papers, shoes, books, or other objects on the floor?

Do you have to walk over or around wires or cords (like lamp, telephone, or extension cords)?


Are the things you use often on high shelves?

Is your step stool sturdy?


Is the light near the bed hard to reach?

Is the path from your bed to the bathroom dark?

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Is the tub or shower floor slippery?

Do you need some support when you get in and out of the tub, or up from the toilet?

Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan on 16/20/2020. Last reviewed Dr IOS 24/10/22.