Pre-tibial lacerations
- In trials, best results are obtained when these wounds are routinely treated with primary split skin grafting
- In all but the young with healthy skin, the skin of these wounds should NOT be sutured [Bestbets]
- Use Mepitil (or other non-adherent dressing) in preference to steristrips
- Cover with good toe to knee pressure bandage
- Very rarely, in deeper wounds a few plain cat-gut sutures to approximate the subcutaneous tissues may be indicated
- Please seek advice from the ED Duty Doc if in doubt
- There is no evidence to confirm/refute the use of antibiotics in pre-tibial haematoma [BestBets]
- Elderly patients may be considered for overnight admission to CDU for elevation to prevent haematoma formation
Pretibial laceration
Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan. Last review Dr ÍOS 7/02/23.