Cellulitis IV by CIT
CIT criteria
OPAT exclusion
CIT Referral Criteria:
> 16 years old
Have an acceptable standard of living conditions. (The structure of the accommodation must be permanent in nature, have hot and cold running water and indoor toilet facilities)
Demonstrate an acceptable understanding of both verbal and written English, or evidence of an equally proficient supportive home translator available at all times
Have a contact number
Fit the CIT Inclusion criteria
OPAT Exclusion Criteria
Underlying Osteomyelitis, Necrotizing Fasciitis, Septic Joint or Abscess are not excluded from the DDx
Age <16 years
History of IVDU, renal impairment or diabetic related infections
Renal impairment
Complex cellulitis (e.g. abscess/bursa/facial)
SBP <BP 100 mmHg
History of Clostridium difficile infection
Admit to CDU under EM for initial labs and IV treatment
Start Cefazolin 2G IV OD and probenecid 1G PO OD
Assess for A) Thromboprophylaxis risk and B) CIT suitable
If improving, CIT available and no contraindications @ 24 hrs (x1 dose), Cefazolin 2g IV OD plus Probenecid 1g OD PO (Prescription 1 )
If the patient has contraindications or intolerance, use Cefazolin 2g BD IV (Prescription 2 )
Discharge checklist
Confirm adequate doses IVAB and probenecid tolerant
Patient advice - return CDU SOS
No work during IV therapy
Provide patient with pharmacy pack
Keep medical chart in CDU
Nursing staff checklist
Arrange medications to be dispensed (pharmacy)
Phone CIT on 087 9436971 with regard to the referral
Email referral and prescription to CIT
Inform GP of discharge arrangement by phone (or fax)
Arrange appointment for the patient to return
Notes on Cefazolin / Probenecid
If the patient is unable to tolerate the once daily regimen due to GI upset, then prescribe Cefazolin 2g twice daily iv without the probenecid
Check dosing (with pharmacist) in renal impairment
For penicillin allergic (OPAT/CIT only) patients, please contact micro. for advice on vancomycin dosing and monitoring
Probenecid contra-indicated with:
Sodium phenylbutyrate
High dose aspirin
Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan 10/05/2019. Last review Dr ÍOS 22/10/24.