Initial management
- Ensure patent airway
- Position, suction, ventilate
- 100% O2
- Check glucose
- IV or IO access if no delay (otherwise buccal or IM midazolam to stop the seizing)
- STOP the seizure
- Cefotaxime, acyclovir and erythromycin if aetiology unclear
- No Lumbar Puncture if reduced level of consciousness
> 3 months Mx Algorithm
≤ 3 months Mx Algorithm
CUH only
CUH: We have complex epileptic children who regularly attend the ED. The paediatric neurology team have created bespoke plans for them. These files are securely protected but can be accessed by :
- Log onto a networked computer using your / or a CNM2's login details
- Go to CUH File Shares on desktop>paedstatus folder
- Print off the relevant plan
- Please log off again as your individual access is tracked/recorded