Cork Emergency Departments
What is a buckle ("torus") fracture?
A buckle fracture is a type of injury to the bone, where the bone has been squashed. Children's bones are softer than adult bones and are more likely to squash rather than break after an impact. This can result in a bulge in the bone rather than a complete break. This injury is treated like a sprain and will not cause any long term problems.
Buckle fractures heal so well by themselves that you do not need any special treatment. Most children start to use their wrist and hand comfortably again after a couple of weeks. They should be allowed to use the hand as much as they want, but shouldn't do anything that causes them pain or discomfort. If the child wears anything on their wrist (i.e. a bandage), then this should be removed whenever the wrist becomes more comfortable – and certainly by 3 weeks. When moving the wrist in the next few weeks they may complain of mild stiffness and aching. This is normal and should settle down quickly. Your child should be allowed to return to sporting activities, physical exercise and rough play as soon as the pain settles.
Follow up appointments
We should not need to see your child again. All your X-rays will be reviewed by a specialist to check your child has been given the right treatment and ensure there are no other problems.
They will contact you if they have any concerns, so please check that we have your correct details.
Things to look out for when your child goes home
Your child may have discomfort in their wrist which should settle over a few days. They may require simple pain killers (i.e. those that can be purchased over the counter at a chemist).
If you are concerned, please contact the Emergency Department you first attended:
MUH (021)4271971
Mercy Injury Unit, Gurranabraher (021)4926900
CUH (021)4920200
LIU Mallow(022)58506
LIU Bantry(027)52900