Confirmed DVT or PE - EM treatment with Tinzaparin (Innohep®)


  • Tinzaparin is a LMWH used for the treatemnt a (and prophylaxis of) DVT and ischemic complications of unstable angina & NSTEMI
  • Administered as subcutaneous injection


Innohep® dose in VTE management
Weight Kgs Innohep dose*
(175iu/kg od)
Syringe Vial:
Blue, Yellow, Red. Green
Volume (ml)
Issue 5 days supply
120 21,000 Green 1.05
115 20,125 Green 1.0
110 19,250 Green 0.95
100 17,500 Blue 0.9
95 16,625 Blue 0.85
90 15,750 Blue 0.8
85 14,875 Blue 0.75
80 14,000 Yellow 0.7
75 13,125 Yellow 0.65
70 12,250 Yellow 0.6
65 11,375 Yellow 0.55
60 10,500 Red 0.50
50 8,750 Red 0.45
40 7,000 Red 0.35
30 5,250 Red 0.25