Procedure cart - Nerve Block


Block Cart Drawers 1, 2
Pack and cleaning
Key Stock item Storeroom code Comments
1 Nerve block packs SA 4 These have everything required except: sterile gloves, local anaesthetic, Chlorhexidine, blunt-fill needles and dressings (all of which are provided in the lower drawers)
2 Chlorhexidine swabs AC 5  
Block Cart Drawers 3, 4
Local, needles, dressings
Key Stock item Storeroom code Comments
1 Bupivacaine 0.25% Clean utility
2 Small square dressings C 3
3 20mL syringes N 5-7
4 Blunt fill needles O 3

Content by Dr Finn Coulter. Last review Dr ÍOS 18/06/24.