Procedure cart - Plaster


Plaster Cart Drawer 1
Stock item Storeroom code Comments
Plastic bowl GEMS Store  
Plastic sheets GEMS Store Drape over bowl/ trolley before filling
Plaster Cart Drawer 2
Stock item Storeroom code Comments
Stockinette Tubular Bandage: 5,6,7,9 GEMS Store Fill drawer with a range of sizes, keep in boxes as number is displayed. If one roll in each box drawer is not obstructed from closing
Plaster Cart Drawer 3
Stock item Storeroom code Comments
Sojan 'wool': Small and large GEMS Store Note different layout
Plaster Cart Drawer 4
Stock item Storeroom code Comments
Plaster rolls: small and large GEMS Store We almost universally use POP – but sometimes there is a role for fibreglass, which we can stock in the main ambulatory area cupboard
Plaster Cart Drawer 5
Cohesive bandage
Stock item Storeroom code Comments
Mollelast Haft cohesive bandage: small and large GEMS Store Not much difference in size between these two options

Content by Dr Finn Coulter. Last review Dr ÍOS 18/06/24.