Dx and Mx a challenge. Overuse and muscular dysfunction common contributors. Initial management includes quads strengthening. Check footwear and add arch supports if necessary.
Retropatellar / peripatellar pain from changes in patellofemoral joint.
Also referred to as anterior knee pain, runner’s knee, and chondromalacia patellae.
All ages but max younger adults and teenagers (growth spurt).
- Overuse/overload, biomechanical and muscular dysfunction. Theories in bold below
Pes Planus (Pronation) - "Flat feet"
- Combination of eversion, dorsiflexion and abduction of foot leads to compensatory internal rotation of tibia and femur, stressing patellofemoral fxn
- Treat with medial foot arch support and footwear advice
Pes Cavus (High arched foot, supination)
- Less cushioning for leg when foot strikes ground causes more stress on patellofemoral mechanism especially when running
- Advise proper (cushioned) footwear with arch support
Muscular causes
- Quads weakness causes instability. Treat with MVO exercises
Key Clinical Features
- Gradual onset anterior knee pain (±bilateral) with exercise - particiularly squatting, hiking, running. Often worse going down hill
- Rarely after patellar dislocation or direct trauma
- ±patellar crepitus
- Pain free at rest but can also occur with prolonged sitting (movie-goer's sign)
- Clinical Dx with Hx and patellar pain on squatting (80%) and patellar margin tenderness (70%)
Red Flags
- Consitiutional symptoms
- Effusion
- Focal warmth/tenderness of infection/osteomyelitis?
- Limp or limited hip ROM - perthes / SUFE
- Effusion with locking - osteochondritis dessicans?
Consider plain x-rays only if concern about Osteochondritis dessicans or rare neoplasm (red flags or lock / letting down)
Differential diagnoses
- Hip pathology in children / adolescents
- Lower patellar tender - Sinding Larson or Osgood Schlatter?
- Effusion = another (cartilage/meniescal/ligamentous) pathology
- Popping patellar subluxation?
- Check for other joint symptoms (arthropathy)
- Quadriceps (especially VMO) exercises.
- Physiotherapy supervised hip, hamstring and calf iliotibial band stretching exercises (NNT 3.6)
- Relative rest - initially, e.g. change to swimming in runners
- Patient education (NNT 5 at 24 months)
- Movie-goers should start walking regularly
- Ice - particularly immediately after running (for 10 - 20 minutes)
- No strong evidence for (or against) NSAIDs
- Do not use knee splint / braces (unless physiotherapist requests)
- Taping the knee - no strong evidence either way - physiotherapist can educate patient how to tape their knee for trial
- Quality footwear - Arch support usually helps (NNT 4)
- Surgery only for true chondromalacia (fraying retropatellar cartilage)
- Spontaneous resolution. Masterful inactivity (by physician) may be best option in growing adolescents
Most patients do well with conservative management.
- Video - clinical knee examination
- Van Linschoten R, Van Middelkoop M, Berger MY, et al. Supervised exercise therapy versus usual care for patellofemoral pain syndrome: an open label randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2009;339:1010-3
- Callaghan MJ, Selfe J. Patellar taping for patellofemoral pain syndrome in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;4:CD006717
- Patient education improves outcome for 2 years in adolescent patellofemoral pain: a cluster randomised trial. Br J Sports Med 2015;49:406-12