Piriformis syndrome
- "Sciatica" entrapment not originating from nerve root compression
- Probable compression of sciatic nerve, by piriformis muscle
- Piriformis normally helps ext rotate hip
- Inactive gluteals vs tight hip flexors (so piriformis strains at hip extension & rotation → compressing the sciatic N.)
- Clinical diagnosis
- Unilateral (rarely bilat.) buttock pain radiating to hamstrings or below
- F:M = 3:1
- 30 - 40 yo
- Exacerbated by sitting or prolonged "flexion" exercise (e.g. cycling)
- Associated pudendal nerve compression may result in transient saddle paraesthesia or sphincter symptoms
- Symptoms relieved by hip extension or ext. rotation (patients walk "toe out")
- No red flags
- No convincing root irritation (e.g. valsalva) symptoms
- Nil constitutional
- SLR near normal
- No motor, sphincter or perianal pinprick sensation abnormalities
- Trigger point at sciatic notch (½ way between ischium & Gr. trochanter)
- FAIR (hip flexion/adduction/int. rotation) manoeuvre triggers symptoms
- EMG studies in difficult cases (GP to arrange)
- Muscle stretching & gluteal strengthening exercises and education (physio referral)
- Ice
Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan 25/02/2009. Last review Dr ÍOS, Dr C Luke 18/06/21.