Antidotes in MUH

Mercy University Hospital Antidote List

A - required to be immediately available (within the ED)

B - required to be available within 1 hour (within the hospital)

C - rarely used and can be held supra-regionally

Drug Indication Req. PPT Minimum Quantity Location Comment
Andexanat Alfa
Reversal of anticoagulation from apixaban/rivaroxaban B Ondexxya 200mg vial 3 packs of 4x 200 mg vials Pharmacy Fridge Second shelf from bottom in Fridge 2 in Pharmacy
Paracetamol A Parvolex 2g in 10ml amp 10 amps Antidote box More in Drug Room in ED and in injection room in Pharmacy
Activated charcoal Most oral poisons A Carbomix 50g granules 1 x 50g Antidote box More in Drug Room in ED and in Pharmacy (near oral liquids)
Atropine sulphate Organophosphate and carbamate insecticides A 600mcg/ml amps 10 amps Antidote box More in Drug Room in ED and in injection room in Pharmacy
Benzylpenicillin Amatoxin poisoning A Crystape 600mg vials 25 vials ED Drug room More in injection room in Pharmacy
Ca++ Channel blockers
A 10%w/v PFS for slow infusion 1 pre-filled syringe Antidote box More in injection room in Pharmacy
Calcium gluconate Hydrofluoric acid A 10% 10ml amps 10 amps Antidote box More in injection room in Pharmacy
Calcium Gluconate (CF) 2.5% Gel Hydrofluoric acid burns < 5% of body surface or exposures to concentrations of less than 20% hydrofluoric acid A HF Antidote Gel (Calcium gluconate 2.5% gel) 2 x 25g tubes Antidote box  
Cholestyramine Oral anti-coagulants B JAMP Cholestryamine 4g sachets 3 sachets Antidote box More in Pharmacy (near oral liquids)
Cyproheptadine Serotonin syndrome B Periactin 4mg tabs 10 tabs Antidote box More in Pharmacy
Dantrolene (Dantrium) Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome B 20mg vial 12 Theatre Very expensive – stored in theatre. CUH stock in CD/DDA  press in Resusc
Iron B 500mg vial 20 vials Antidote box More in injection room in Pharmacy
Diazepam (Diazemuls) Convulsions, agitation A 10mg/2ml amps 10 amps Antidote box More in injection room in Pharmacy
DigiFab Digoxin toxicity A 40mg/4ml 6 Pharmacy Fridge One additional vial stored in fridge in CCU. CUH stock in Resusc Fridge
Dehydrated alcohol (Ethanol) Ethylene glycol and methanol (more) A 5ml amps 30 amps Antidote box Fomepizole to be used first line.
Flumazenil Benzodiazepine OD A 5ml amps 10 amps Antidote box More in injection room in Pharmacy
Folinic Acid
(Calcium leucovorin)
Methotrexate, methanol & formic acid toxicity B 300mg vial 1 Pharmacy Fridge More in fridge in St Therese's Day Ward
Fomepizole (Antizol) Ethylene glycol and methanol B 1.5ml vial 4 vials Antidote box Very expensive!
More stored in pharmacy on IV shelves
Glucagon hypokit Beta & calcium channel blockers, hypoglycaemia A Hypokit 5 syringes Fridge in ED Resusc More in the Fridge in ED Clean Utility and in fridge in Pharmacy
Idarucizumab (Praxbind) Dabigatran B 2.5g/50ml vial 2 Pharmacy Fridge Very expensive
Intralipid Lidocaine toxicity A 20% w/v 500ml emulsion for infusion 2 bags Antidote box More in pharmacy or stock on theatre
Mesna Cyclophosamide or Ifosfamide toxicity B 1g/10ml amps 15 Pharmacy On shelf below Cytotoxic drug press
Methylene blue Treatment of methaemoglobinaemia A 50mg/10ml amps 5 amps Antidote box More in injection room in Pharmacy
Naloxone Opioid overdose A 400mcg/1ml amps 25 amps Antidote box More in injection room in Pharmacy
Octreotide ↓Glu from
& quinine
B 50mcg amps 2 Pharmacy Fridge  
Penicillamine Lead, copper and arsenic poisoning C 250mg tabs 100 tabs Antidote box Also stored in CUH - stock in CD/DDA press in Resusc
Hypertension caused by MAOIs or Clonidine or cocaine ingestion A 10mg/ml amps 5 Fridge in Main Theatre Theatre
(Vitamin K)
Vitamin K dependent anticoagulants B 10mg/ml amps 10 amps Antidote box More in injection room in Pharmacy
Polyethylene glycol
Gut decontamination for lithium and iron B Sachets 8 sachets Antidote box More in Pharmacy (stored with oral liquids)
Pralidoxime Organophosphorus insecticides C 1g injection 6 CUH Stored in CUH - stock in CD/DDA press in Resusc
Procyclidine (Kemadrin) Dystonic reactions caused by antipsychotics and metoclopramide A 10mg/2ml amps 5 amps Antidote box More in St Michael's Unit
Protamine Heparin poisoning A 10mg/ml amps 10 amps Antidote box More in injection room in Pharmacy
Prussian Blue Thallium poisoning C Capsules 250mg/kg/day p.o. CUH Stored in CUH - stock in CD/DDA press in Resusc
Pyridoxine Isoniazid toxicity A 100mg/2ml amps 50 amps Antidote box Also stored in CUH - stock in CD/DDA press in Resusc
Sodium bicarbonate 8.4% and 1.26% or 1.4% Aspirin/Tricyclic antidepressant toxicity A 100ml 8.4% bottles 3 bottles Antidote box More in injection room in Pharmacy
Sodium thiosulphate Cyanide toxicity A 10g/20ml amps 5 amps Antidote box Also stored in CUH - stock in CD/DDA press in Resusc
Starch Iodine A Powder 15g Antidote box  

Contents by Alison Mullins Alison Mullins, Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan. Last review Dr ÍOS 17/07/24.