Opiate overdose


  • Dx based on pin-point pupils, respiratory depression, drowsiness or coma
  • Pupils may be dilated if the patient is hypothermic, hypotensive (e.g. secondary to opioids), hypoxic
  • Convulsions and pulmonary oedema may develop
  • Therapeutic trail of Naloxone (short-acting and repeated doses/infusion required)
  • Naloxone can be delivered Intra-nasally, as a Nebuliser or IM
  • Nebulised is an option when the patient is relatively stable (as long as the patient had some spontaneous respiratory effort and no severe cardiorespiratory compromise. (Ref))
  • Naloxone should only be given IV in cases requiring multiple doses of Naloxone (e.g. methadone OD). Start an IV Naloxone infusion at 1/3 the first hours requirements per hour



  • 2 mg (2 ml) of Naloxone and attach nasal atomizer (details)


  • Nebulised - 2 mg of Naloxone with 3 mL of normal saline


  • 0.4mg aliquots up to 2mg

IV infusion

  • Start an IV Naloxone infusion at 1/3 the first hours requirements per hour

Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan. Ref: Thank you Dr Jason van der Velde .Last review Dr ÍOS 11/04/23.