Portuguese Man-of-War’s
- "Physaliaphysalis"
- Occasionally see off the Irish coast
- Invertebrate and Carnivore
- Small: Float = 30x12 cm long
- Tentacles up to 50m long
- Siphonophore = animal made up of a colony of organisms working together
- Not a Jellyfish
- Float in groups or pushed by wind (see sail picture)
- Tentacle stings viable for several hours on beach or on fish caught by Man-of-War at sea and washed ashore
- Severe pain:
- Skin pain subsides within hours
- Regional adenitis pain may last a day
- Red welts (x3 days)
- Allergic reaction in some
- Remove adherent tentacles (use gloves)
- Apply vinegar (or salt water - not fresh water as intensifies pain)
- Warm water (or heat packs) at max 45°c
- Analgesia
- Copious eye irrigation if necessary
Content by Dr Íomhar O' Sullivan. Last review Dr ÍOS 22/10/22.