If a patient is transferred from the MAU (at MGH), a receiving CUH in-patient consultant/team must have accepted the patient (see protocol 37 criteria), prior to transfer.
Similarly, if a patient is being transferred from CUH to MGH, there must be a clearly identified "accepting" consultant/team.
Inclusion criteria
- Syncope
- Falls
- Decompensation of established chronic illness
- Heart Failure
- COPD/Fibrotic Lung Disease/Bronchiectasis
- Asthma
- Poorly controlled diabetes
- Exacerbation of IBD/chronic liver disease
- Patient well known to MGH with acute illness
- Community acquired pneumonia
- Suspected deep vein thrombosis
- Suspected pulmonary embolism
- Shortness of breath
- Haemoptysis
- Fever/rigors
- Headaches unlikely to need neurology or neurosurgical involvement
- Vomiting illness
- All chest pain (Not STEMI)
- Weight loss for investigation
- Anaemia? cause
- Urosepsis
- Jaundice
Not suitable MGH MAU
- Acute stroke/TIA
- Likely to require ITU
- Likely to require neurology or neurosurgery
- Acute Surgery
- Cellulitis with ulceration
- Alcohol /Drug related !